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All Dnepropetrovsk Apartments:   D1   D2   D4   D5  

Dnepropetrovsk Apartment #D5

Dnepropetrovsk Ukraine Apartment
Dnepropetrovsk Ukraine apartment details       click photos to enlarge
Dnepropetrovsk Ukraine apartment photograph thumbnail Dnepropetrovsk Ukraine apartment photograph thumbnail Dnepropetrovsk Ukraine apartment photograph thumbnail
Dnepropetrovsk Ukraine apartment details       Reserve apartment in Dnepropetrovsk Ukraine

Dnepropetrovsk Ukriane country style studio apartment in the city center on Moskovskaya Street. Located between Karl Marks and the Dneper River, close to shops restaurants, cafes and an affiliate office. New country furnishing add a fresh look to this bright and sunny space. Apartment has a queen size bed and sleeper sofa. Windows are new sound proof to insure a quite nights sleep. There is a completely equipped kitchenette with water filters for in-house cooking. The bath and kitchenette have self-contained hot water system. Entrance is from the courtyard with code lock security doors. Amenities include Cable TVw/remote, microwave, and washing machine.

Price starting from $60.00 per night

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